The Largest user database
We have more than 50 times the number of Business Profiles than Yell and Yelp - combined!

Over 500,000 businesses
Pubsy already has detailed information on more than half a million companies across Great Britain. For each of these companies, you will find all the information you need to make qualified decisions.
Fastest growing business directory
With Pubsy, businesses do not need to subscribe to have a listing. We write the listings for them - after having collected substantial amount of data about them, from around the internet. This also means that Pubsy is constantly adding more and more businesses to the directory. Every day. Every week.
If your business is not yet with Pubsy, just let us know - and we will make sure to add you.
Choose your own view
Best of all: All descriptions are generated by us - without the requirement of input from the businesses themselves.
Best of all: All descriptions are generated by us - without the requirement of input from the businesses themselves.
Business Categories
Most detailed profiles
Best of all: All descriptions are generated by us - without the requirement of input from the businesses themselves.

Featured locations
Give yourself the best chances of success. Be seen more often with our packages that offer you to be featured whenever and wherever you need to!

Boost your profile views
Feeling the business is a little slow? Simply choose to boost your business with featured listings. Appear first in any search. Get enhanced attention. You decide when to start. You devide when to stop. Total freedom!
Get started with Pubsy packages
You already have a free listing. Your business is already with Pubsy. If you want to tailormake exactly how you are presented, and what is presented, you can choose between various Pubsy packages. They start from just GBP 1.99 per month (and the most expensive is GBP 5.99 per month). Make the best of Pubsy. For you!
View packagesAlways find anything you need
Even when you don't have internet access, can you still find all information on any company. Right at your fingertips!
Fully integrated
Never need to write down phone numbers, addresses or anything else again. Our app is tightly integrated with your mobile device. Just opt to call a company - and our app handles the rest. Need directions? No problem. Our app helps you with that as well.
The only with an app
Interactively procrastinate high-payoff content without backward-compatible data and tactical architectures.